Work at IBM Research
I was at the beautiful Almaden laboratory in San Jose, California. Following are a few selected projects during my time at IBM Research.
- Natural Language Inference in Medicine
- We curated a dataset for natural language inference in medicine and made it publicly available. Our proposed models explore combining structured knowledge sources with deep learning models.
- Romanov, Alexey, and Chaitanya Shivade. Lessons from Natural Language Inference in the Clinical Domain. At EMNLP 2018. [Paper] [Data] [Code]
- Abacha, Asma Ben, Chaitanya Shivade, and Dina Demner-Fushman. Overview of the MEDIQA 2019 Shared Task on Textual Inference, Question Entailment and Question Answering. In Proceedings of the 18th BioNLP Workshop and Shared Task at ACL 2019. [Paper][Data]
- Visual Dialog for Radiology
- We formulated the problem of Visual Dialog for Radiology using chest x-ray images and associated reports.
- Kovaleva, Olga, Chaitanya Shivade, Satyananda Kashyap et al. Visual Dialog for Radiology: Data Curation and First Steps.
in the ViGIL workshop at Neurips 2019. [Paper]
- Patient Synopsis
- This product provides a structured summary of the patient for a radiologist. [Video] [Web]
- Clinical Review
- This product is a retrospective review tool for clinicians to spot discrepancies between structured and unstructured data. [Web]
- At National Libray of Medicine on Language Inference for Clinical Texts [Link]
- At Massachusetts Institute of Technology on Deep Neural Networks and The Struggles with Clinical Texts [Link]
- At University of Antwerp on Language Inference for Question Answering for Clinical Texts
- US20190198137A1 Baldwin, Tyler, Marina Bendersky, Ashutosh Jadhav, Karina Kanjaria, Chaitanya Shivade, Tanveer F. Syeda-Mahmood, and Joy Wu. Automatic Summarization of Patient Data Using Medically Relevant Summarization Templates. U.S. Patent Application 15/854,136, filed June 27, 2019.
- US20190198138A1 Baldwin, Tyler, Ashutosh Jadhav, Chaitanya Shivade, Tanveer F. Syeda-Mahmood, and Joy Wu. Automatic Expansion of Medically Relevant Summarization Templates Using Semantic Expansion. U.S. Patent Application 15/854,179, filed June 27, 2019.